Icy Tensions Between Farmers’ Almanacs Over Correct Minnesota Winter Forecast
BREAKING NEWS: It WILL snow this winter!
That's the only thing we can really count on when it comes to Minnesota winters, and yet, the Old Farmer's Almanac and the Farmers' Almanac can't seem to agree on whether it will be a mild winter or a "teeth-chattering cold" one this year.
Now you're probably thinking, wait a minute... there are TWO Farmer's Almanacs?! I know, I didn't know this either but apparently there are and it appears on paper they definitely don't like one another.
Last week the Old Farmer's Almanac said, "This winter, we expect to see above-normal temperatures almost everywhere in the United States. Our milder-than-normal forecast is due to a decrease in solar activity and the expected arrival of a weak El Niño, which will prevent cold air masses from lingering in the North." I'm pretty sure everyone had a huge sigh of relief - However - That mild, gentle winter forecast by climatologists from the National Weather Service, and by the Old Farmer's Almanac, is "fake news," according to the Farmers' Almanac.
"Contrary to the stories storming the web, our time-tested, long-range formula is pointing toward a very long, cold, and snow-filled winter," says Peter Geiger, editor of The Farmers' Almanac. "We stand by our forecast and formula, which accurately predicted the many storms last winter, as well as this summer’s steamy, hot conditions."
They also added there will be "plenty of snow."
OK then.
Here's my "Prediction":
The first day of winter will be December 21, but we'll have some snow on the ground by then. Roads will be slick, and people will still forget how to drive that first snowfall and cause several spin-outs and accidents. Might snow on Christmas, might not. After New Years we'll all be "over it". We'll experience some abnormally warm days in January, followed by stretches of bone-chilling cold. Expect a blizzard or two, but also plenty of days with beautiful sunshine! Come late February mother nature will tease us with some spring-like temps, but once we get into March old-man winter will rear his ugly mug and toss us one last run of heavy wet snow just to piss us all off. The first day of spring will be March 20 but cooler temps will still hang around until April.
That sound about right?
Believe what you want, but I don't trust ANYONE'S forecast more than two days out because things can change so quickly, especially in Minnesota. That's just how I am, so these two can duke it out like two seals fighting over a grape.
Harsh winter or not, I'm just glad MnDOT is always stocking up just in case to keep us safe on the roads!