KFIL AG Reports

Welcome to your one stop shop for all things AG related.  Below is an updated commodities ticker, links to important resources, and our report schedule.

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Important sites.

AG Report Schedule on KFIL (Starting 1/4/2017.  Air Times Approximate)

DaysReport NameAir Time
M-FFinal Commodity & Livestock Report5:00:00 AM
M-FMorning Headlines6:00:00 AM
M-FAG Weather Today6:30:00 AM
M-FDairy Update7:00:00 AM
M-FLivestock Report7:02:00 AM
M-FMorning MN Agribusiness News8:00:00 AM
M-FMinnesota Ag Headline News9:00:00 AM
M-FOpening Livestock9:30:00 AM
M-FChicago Board of Trade10:00:00 AM
M-FManaging for Profit11:00:00 AM
M-FMidday MN Agribusiness News12:00:00 PM
M-FMidday Livestock12:30:00 PM
M-FMidday Commodity12:34:00 PM
M-FMidday National AG headlines12:36:00 PM
M-FCommodity Update1:00:00 PM
M-FLate Session Commodity2:00:00 PM
M-FFinal Commodity/Livestock3:30:00 PM
M-FAft National Ag Headline News4:30:00 PM


DaysReport NameAir Time
SatWeekend Wrap5:00 AM and 6:00 AM