Hey Rochester Kids! Your Artwork Could Be on the Cover of a Calendar
Get the glue, construction paper, and glitter out because parents, your child's artwork could be on the cover of a magazine.
Oxbow Park and Zollman Zoo in Bryon, Minnesota shared on their Facebook page the exciting news that the cover of their 2021 calendar is going to feature the artwork of someone local this year! Their calendars are being worked on right now but the cover artwork is up for grabs and will be featuring a child in our area.
Friends of Oxbow (FOX) is sponsoring a kid's art contest for the cover of their 2021 calendar they will be selling. Get creative and send your artwork in!
You can e-mail, mail, or drop off entries. There will be a drop off box at the front of the Nature Center for entries.
Keep an eye on our Facebook and FOX's Facebook page in the coming months for information about how to purchase one of the calendars! - Oxbow Park and Zollman Zoo Facebook Page
I know we have a bunch of very creative kids out there and the variety of artwork that can be created is truly endless. I can't wait to see what you all create and to see what is picked as the winner and featured on the front of the calendar. Now...get creating and don't forget to get your artwork turned in by September 30th, 2020. Get all the details here.
Do you know another fun activity that is just for kids? I'd love to hear about it so please message me on my Facebook page - Jessica On The Radio.
Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show with James Rabe and Jessica Williams
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