One Crayon Leaving the Box
I was looking up the National Day Calendar again, and I discovered it was National Crayon Day after yesterday was National Pencil Day. Then I found out one crayon was going to
leave the box.
Crayola sometimes retires some of their color crayons to bring new ones in, but this one is coming from its classic 24-pack. Crayola tweeted out a day before our beloved National Crayon Day that "Dandelion" was going to have an early retirement. Now I'm the kind of guy who needed a huge pack with a crayon sharpener on the back, but now I don't know if I'll be able to draw my lawn right this spring.
The announcement for Dandelion's replacement will take place today. I better stock up on crayons for my nieces, so they know what crayons were like when I was young.