Who’s Going to the Ballgame?
Monday marks Opening Day for 2017 regular season Twins baseball. If you can't make it up to the ballgame, but have your radio with you, you can listen to the game here on KFIL. But for this Opening Day, I'm hoping to go up to the ballpark.
Looking on the official Twins website for tickets, I see standing room only tickets are the only ones available. With all the bars and restaurants around Target Field, that might not be a bad idea to set down my food and drink while watching the game. There is always a chance I spill nachos on myself whether I sit or stand anyway. Or I could go online and look for tickets in other places.
Looking at other sites, Stubhub has seats available for lower prices than on the Twins website, and I also found some tickets available on Seat Geek. Every once in a while, technology comes through. If I get a ticket and there is a chance to upgrade to a better seat, I could do that through an app on my phone that I just downloaded as well. So there are many ways to get up to Target Field for Opening Day.
Are you going up for Opening Day? Who wants to go with me?
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