Citizens Have Final Chance To Comment On 2022 Rochester Budget
Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - The public has one final chance to weigh in on the new Rochester city budget and associated tax and fees increases.
The City Council has scheduled a public hearing Monday evening (meeting begins at 6:15 pm) and a vote on the recommended 2022-2023 operating budget and the 2022-2027 Capital Improvement Plan budget.
Upon adoption, the 2022 budget will serve as the basis for spending and the 2023 budget will be the starting recommended budget.
The budget totals $509-million, which includes capital improvement projects. The 2022 Rochester Public Utilities budget makes up $203-million of the total. The budget includes a property tax levy of nearly $87-million, an increase of 6.5-percent from the 2021 figure.
The city says:
“The two year budget process provides a longer runway for more strategic discussion guiding final adjustments to reflect updated forecasts, evolving strategic priorities, and fiscal policy enhancements necessary for a supplementary adjusted budget in the second year.”
There will be no increases to parking ramp or transit fares for 2022.The Rochester Public Utilities Board approved an operating budget that would include an increase to general electric rates by 1.5% and general water rates by 2.5% for 2022.
The city says there are also programs that community members are encouraged to review, that are meant to provide relief and support.
These include:
- Refunds through the State of Minnesota
- Senior Citizen Property Tax Deferral
- Special Homestead Classification for Blind or Permanently and Totally Disabled Persons
- Market Value Exclusion on Homestead Property of Disabled Veterans
The city says iIncrease in taxes are often a reflection of increased property valuations. Property owners can contact the Olmsted County Assessor's office if they have questions regarding individual property valuations via phone 507-328-7635 or email
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