What Olympic Sport Is Minnesota Searching Most?
The answer is all not that surprising, with us being from Minnesota and all, we should come to expect this. The weird part about it, we know about this sport why are we googling it?
We are the State of Hockey, and this picture from Molly Coleman's Twitter says it all:
Yeah, the lone state to google "Ice Hockey" the most. It is kind of surprising, but at the same time it is strange. You would think that Minnesotans would be up to date on the latest Ice Hockey trends and not have to google it, but at the same time they have to learnt he information somewhere!
I love the Winter Olympics, and frankly I wish NHL Players were going to be able to play in the Olympic Games, but alas, we are going to get to watch some elite young players take the ice in South Korea.
A note to Minnesotans, don't bet you know more about Figure Staking than someone else from another state, chances are they know more than you post-googling.