WARNING: Pizza Coupon Scam Could Give Your Computer A Virus
If it looks to good to be true, it probably is. There's a fake coupon circulating around on Facebook which says you can get 3 large pizzas at Little Caesars for free in honor of their 60th anniversary. It's bogus.
A rep from Little Caesars posted this message on the pizza chain's Facebook page: "There is currently a fraudulent Little Caesars coupon in circulation, stating “Little Caesars is rewarding everyone with 3 free large pizza coupon on their 60th anniversary”. This coupon was not generated or distributed by Little Caesars. We are monitoring the situation and diligently working to resolve this issue. We recommend that you do not click through to the coupon, as it may download a virus on your computer or device. Thank you."
The website Deal News offers a bunch of tips on how to spot a fake coupon. They say the first thing you should do is check the source, "A legitimate coupon will always come from a legitimate source."
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