These Are The Most Common Names in Houston County
We already gave you the most common surnames in Fillmore County, so now I thought it would be interesting to dig up the most common surnames in Houston County.
Using the same database,, we see that the most common surname in the county is Johnson, but as we move down the list, it gets much different!
We don't see the same names, or even the same suffix. As you may recall, 8 of the Top 10 names in Fillmore County ended in "son". That is not the case in Houston County, which I find to be extremely interesting.
Here is how the Top 10 looks:
1. Johnson
2. Olson
3. Schroeder
4. Peterson
5. Meyer
6. Nelson
7. Miller
8. Meiners
9. Klug
10. Anderson
That list is quite different than the ones you found in Fillmore County. I always thought many of the names could be the same, but that is not the case. You also see that only 5 of the Top 10 end in "son" compared to 8 from the list of most common names in Fillmore County. That is another tidbit I find extremely interesting.
You can see the entire list for yourself HERE. Is there a name on this list that surprised you, or maybe a name that you thought would have made the top-10? Let us know!