Super Bowl Beer Ban?
We're still a week away from Super Bowl Sunday, and things are getting real. The Atlanta Falcons, with no Super Bowl titles are battling the New England Patriots, winners of four big games. The folks in the New England area think pretty highly of their football team, and some don't think Atlanta fans really deserves recognition.
A Boston Globe reporter wasn't too enthused about playing the Falcons. His take on the city of Atlanta - "it is...a town with absolutely zero enthusiasm for professional sports." It continued that it was going to be difficult to get "pumped up" for the game against this opponent.
Ouch. That might hurt one Boston brewing business as well. Down in Gainesville, Georgia, a gas station owner has decided not to sell any more Sam Adams beer until after Super Bowl 51. The convenience store posted a note on their door that read :
We Will NOT¨ Be Selling Any Sam Adams Until After the Super Bowl #Rise Up
"Rise up" being the Falcons rallying cry, I'm sure Falcons fans will flock in to buy some Atlanta-based beer at the gas station. With the Super Bowl coming up, will you be joining in on this ban to cheer on the NFC, or are you too "Patriot"ic? I think I'll just stay here and drink a beverage made in the Midwest while wait for a good Minnesota championship run. I might have to make another beer run before then.
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