Not many people get a chance to do it, let alone somebody from a small town in southeast Minnesota.

Yet, Valerie Earley, a graduate of Kingsland High School, got the opportunity to sit next to President Donald Trump while he signed an executive order "promoting agriculture and rural prosperity in America."

That might just be the coolest experience a person can ask for. Earley is the Central Region Vice President of the FFA, and her hard work has already paid off in a big way.

You can see Valerie, sitting right next to President Trump. Earley was among many other people who sat at the round table with President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue. The video is courtesy of Fox News Facebook Page.

I got the chance to talk with Valerie about the experience, and what she does for FFA. You can check that our below!


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