Fly In Drive In Breakfast Coming to Fillmore County Airport
I have never attended one of these events, but I've heard great things. Fillmore County Airport in Preston will be hosting a Fly In-Drive In breakfast Sunday August 13 starting at 8 a.m. B&B Bowl of Preston will be serving up delicious breakfast favorites including biscuits and gravy, egg bake, sausage, muffins and coffee. Cost is $10 per person. Everyone is welcomed. It's a great way to enjoy fellowship, fabulous food, check out the cool planes and meet the pilots. I'll be helping out, so I hope to see you there!
As a side note, B&B Bowl owner, Shelly Hanson, wants you to know that their restaurant will be open regular hours during the Fly In. So if the weather isn't conducive for the planes to be flying, you can still enjoy a scrumptious breakfast at the B&B.
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