Fillmore County Residents Continue Acts of Kindness
I am a big supporter of Law Enforcement. I think they are critical to our everyday lives to help keep us safe. I love to see posts on the internet and videos of police officers pulling people over and handing out ice cream and their continued support of our community.
Yes, support is a two-way street, and I was very pleased to read this post from our very own Fillmore County Deputies Association:
You have to get a chuckle out of the final three points as well! I mean, who doesn't love free food? It is the first thing you offer if you are looking at starting a club!
Fillmore County residence have proved over and over again that they appreciate what their deputies do for them and their community, and it is great to see that continue!
Thank you deputies and thank you to the residence that took the time and money to pay for the deputies lunch, it is a great community to be apart of!