Corn and Soybean Weed Management Tour Near Rochester
The University of Minnesota Extension, Rochester will be sponsoring the 2017 Corn and Soybean Weed Management Tour on Thursday, July 6, from 9AM to 12:30PM. The field trial location is at the intersection of Highway 14 and County 22. This is just east of the Heintz Center and the College Campus in Rochester. The annual Agronomy Field Tour at the Southern Research and Outreach Center at Waseca was held last week. While there was some discussion on weed management at Waseca, they covered a number of other agronomic topics. In Rochester it is all weed management.
Since 1996 when the Roundup Ready technology hit the market, weed control was quite simple. Let the weeds grow and we could kill them. Many times even very large weeds. Well, that is not working so well anymore. With giant ragweed, waterhemp, lambsquarter and others we are back to using soil-applied herbicides and combinations of post-emergence herbicides. Lisa, Ryan and Fritz have many plots in Rochester with many herbicides combinations where you can really see how the herbicides performed. The tour is free and you do not have to preregister.
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