Coaches Show Little-to-No Sportsmanship
I couldn't believe this clip when I saw it. These coaches have no sportsmanship.
Here is a little background:
Siena was leading Rider in a college basketball game, and a Siena player was hit with a hard foul.
Siena didn't take too kindly too it - as it basically started a full on brawl between the two teams. The worst part? Rider's coach, Kevin Baggett, starting arguing with a Siena player. Now, Siena's coach, Jimmy Patsos, started get very, very angry and protecting his player.
You can see the action here:
I think both of these coaches should have been the bigger people in this situation. The coaches didn't even shake hands after the game. What example does that set for the college athletes? Pretty poor if you ask me.
It is dumb. I understand that tempers flare and players and coaches get have their hearts in the game, but it is ridiculous to see both coaches go all the way onto the court to argue. They should have been separating their players, and calming the situation, not going after each other.
Pretty ridiculous if you ask me, don't you think?