20 of the Best Feel-Good News Stories in 2021…so far
Are you needing some good news today? I know the internet world loves to dwell on the negative and that seems to show up in our news more, especially this past year. If you need a break, check out these 20 stories that are some of the best "good news" stories of 2021 so far. A huge chunk of these happened right here in Rochester too!
20 of the Best Good News Stories of 2021
Did you have a favorite? Or maybe you know of another good news story that has happened. I'd love to hear about it! Let me know over on our app (just hit chat) or send me a message to my Facebook page (Jessica On The Radio) or DM me on Instagram.
If you are wanting more of those good news types of stories, be sure to grab our app. We send out notifications when the good news shows up and make sure to chat about it during the Y-105FM Early Morning Show with James and Jessica every weekday morning around 6:20am. Why? Well, we love the good stuff...and personally, the negative drains me and I think that it drains our world too. Pretty sure if we made it a point to stop spreading the hate and spread the good, change would happen in our world. It all starts with what you click on and share.
Speaking of good news, a vacation sounds pretty good right about now, don't ya think?! If you are wanting to stay close to home, you've GOT to check out this spot in Minnesota that is an igloo...oh, and it has a hot tub. I put the photos below for you to enjoy.
Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show with James and Jessica.