I have a hard time believing this is a true story. I just can't wrap my head around how someone comes up with an idea like this and it immediately doesn't get shot down.

A Wisconsin high school has coaches on staff that annually give out awards to girls with the largest breasts or buttocks. Yes, annually - this has been going on for years. The Kenosha News reports that the ACLU is now involved and obtained video of a past banquet in which coaches hand out the "Big Booty" award and tell the crowd of roughly 100 members, “We love her butt. Everybody loves her butt.”

That's freakin' weird and wrong on so many levels.

The school says it will no longer be awarding cheerleaders based on their body parts. District spokeswoman Tanya Ruder told WCCO, “a clear expectation has been set that awards of this nature are not acceptable and are not to be given at Tremper cheerleading banquets going forward."

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