Winona County Deer Farm Filled With CWD Could Infect Wild Deer Population
The DNR is worried about what could happen with a Winona County Deer Farm that is filled with deer that are infected with Chronic Wasting Disease, according to the Star Tribune.
“We have grave concerns about wild deer being infected by these facilities,” said Lou Cornicelli, wildlife research supervisor at the DNR told the Star Tribune.“I think hunters should be pretty afraid of this one."
The fence, located just outside the City of Winona, was depopulated on February 21st, but the DNR still considers it a hazardous area as wild deer and get over the fence and be infected.
The fence was inspected by the Minnesota Board of Animal Health but was approved, even though the fence was only about 7 feet high when the minimum height is 8 feet.
The DNR is investigating although the Farm's Owner, Bruce Hoseck, has stated that his fence has always gotten good report cards. The Minnesota Board of Animal Health is also looking into the matter.