Today, We Thank A Very Important Person in Your Kid’s Life
He/she is one of the most important people in your kids' life, but do you even know their name? That is not a slight on you and anyone else, it's just me saying that they do not get the recognition that they deserve. We trust them to get our children to and from school in one piece. Today, and any day really, we thank the school bus drivers. Today is National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day!
I still, after all these years (I'm not going to say just how many...) remember my favorite bus drivers. They were attentive, funny, and played the best music. But most importantly, they took great care of us. Parents didn't have to worry about us, which is a lot considering how treacherous these winters can be.
Next time you see your kiddo's bus driver, tell them "thank you." They deserve it. Wouldn't you agree?
And, in typical Samm fashion. Since we are talking buses, can we please discuss just how many people have blown through school bus stop signs? I complain a LOT, and I don't even have a kid on a bus - just saying. According to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, 6,529 citations were handed out between 2014-2018 for stop arm violations in the state!! Friends don't let friends break this law. :)