The Return of Trading Spaces
I just heard the BEST news! TLC is going to bring back "Trading Spaces"! Remember the home improvement show from the early 2000's? Sure you do! Hosted by Paige Davis, featuring designers such as Genevieve Gorder and carpenters Ty Pennington and Carter Oosterhouse, "Trading Spaces" was one of my "don't miss" shows. The premise was simple. Neighbors booted each other out of their homes and were given a couple of days and set budget to redecorate each other's abodes. Sometimes the outcome was fantastic, sometimes not so great. I was hooked on the show, rarely missed an episode and watched re-runs over and over.
In the same news blurb, Animal Planet announced plans for a show targeting treatment for overweight dogs and cats aptly called "My Fat Pet".
I dug around looking for a date for "Trading Spaces" return, but couldn't find more details. I can't wait and will be doing a happy dance when the first episode airs. How about you? Were you a "Trading Spaces" fanatic?