Stewartville Class Needs 10,000 Retweets To Get Out Of Final
You'll never believe what I saw while I was browsing Twitter this afternoon!
I, Val, like to pride myself on being pretty active in social media. I think it's an awesome platform that (when used for good) can truly connect a community and bring it together.
That's why I want to help the seniors in Mr. Johnson's "4th Hour" Global Issues class. Stewartville senior Sydney Nierman explained to me that they were given a challenge: score 10,000 retweets by Wednesday, May 30th. The reward? They don't have to write a four-page final... if they get all 10,000 retweets. If they get 1,000 their final is "reduced" to writing a one-page paper.
Sydney added in a tweet, "The word lazy was [added] simply to show how much seniors do not want to do a final before graduation. We have worked really hard on numerous projects and essays this year!"
These seniors (and juniors too, for that matter) have worked hard! According to Us News & World Report, Stewartville High kids passed their math and reading proficiency tests at 68% and 66% respectively.
So, can you help them? Retweet Sydney's tweet and help out! I remember being a senior who didn't want last minute finals or projects either! I'm sure you can too!
Listen to Val afternoons from 2p to 6p on Quick Country 96.5.
Listen to Val from 10a to 2p on 107.7 Z-Rock.
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