Terry and Chris Painter, a Rochester couple, just won a trip valued at $9,600 by winning a trivia game on the popular morning show, Live with Kelly and Ryan!

Live with Kelly and Ryan is hosted by Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacrest every weekday morning on ABC and they have a trivia segment they do during the show.

In order to play the trivia game, viewers need to enter their name into a pool and one viewer is selected to play. Kelly and Ryan ask a random question about the show so you better have been paying attention! If you get the question right you win an awesome prize!

So how did Terry and Chris end up winning the trivia game? They told KAAL that they've been watching the show for about a year and they take notes throughout the show. They each enter their names to participate in the trivia segment every day and they finally got a call from Ryan Seacrest himself to play!

The trivia question could be anything. The question that they got was about a previous guest's dog.

Chris told KAAL that they're really excited and that it's "something we would probably never do otherwise and now we have the chance."


You could go on an incredible trip too! Find out how to win up to $5,000 cash with us HERE!



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