NASA’s Job – Defend Earth From Aliens – Pays Six Figures
Yeah, you read that right. NASA wants to hire somebody to protect earth from Aliens, and pay you rather handsomely to do it.
NASA is hiring a planetary officer, that will pay you up to $187,000, according to Business Insider.
First of all, is NASA telling us something that we don't know? Are their alien life forms out there we should know about? Also, is six figure enough to protect the earth from aliens? Ummmmm....Yes.
So you also have to make sure that humans are not contaminating planets and other space objects, but I would definitely be focused on stopping aliens, that's just me.
The position was created back in 1967 when the Outer Space Treaty was created, which I didn't even know was a thing. Can you believe that? People are out there helping protect us form aliens, which I appreciate.
If you want to protect the the world, you have to be extremely qualified including one year experience as a top-level civilian government. That is pretty high-level stuff. So, if you want to apply, you better get it together.