Minnesotans Urge Departing Super Bowl Fans To Donate Coats
With an estimated extra 100,000 people roaming around Minnesota for all the festivities leading up to Sunday's Super Bowl 52-- and the fact that temperatures in the Twin Cities were in the single digits-- there was bound to be all sorts of winter coats and jackets sold to visitors who probably don't need them now that the game's over. Well, now one Minnesota woman is urging those visitors leave their cold weather gear behind here in the Bold North.
It's all part of a grassroots effort called 'Pass Your Parka,' and it was started by one Minneapolis woman after she saw a news report about a Super Bowl visitor from Texas who wondered just what he was going to do with his cold weather gear once he left Minnesota.
According to this KARE-11 story, Nancy Killilea thought that there could be a lot of people in need here in Minnesota who could put all that cold weather gear to good use. So, she sprang into action.
"Her idea – a campaign called #PassYourParka – encourages Super Bowl fans heading home to warmer climates to leave their winter layers behind. 'Totally made it up!' said Killilea said in the story, 'I totally made it up, and luckily people thought it was a good idea,' the story said.
What a great idea! And, the story said that thirteen hotels in Minneapolis got involved and have allowed #PassYourParka to set up donation stations in their lobbies where fans can leave behind their winter gear. All they're all set to be donated to St. Stephen’s Human Services and House of Charity in the Twin Cities.
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