Scary or Awesome? Minnesota Celebs Rappel Down the Mall of America
This scares me 1,000% - people are rappelling down the side of the Mall of America, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Yes, on purpose. 😨 Actually, you could do this if you want to but you'll have to hurry because spots are filling up fast for the Down for the Challenge event on September 18th at the MOA.
CHALLENGE ON! I'll go over the wall at the Mall of America if you've got $1,000!
*I'm shaking just writing about this but if someone would fork over $1,000 or more, I would be willing to put on my big girl panties and hike them up super high to be brave enough to go over the wall for this cause...homelessness. (*I'm serious...if you've got $1,000, I'll go over the wall. Message me if you want to sponsor me. I'll wear your shirt, hat, shoes, socks, whatever and you can take all the photos and videos you want of me crying as I go down the side of the Mall of America.)
I honestly don't want to hear the arguments or statements that "these people can just go get jobs" because if you are saying that popular statement, you just don't get it. Until you go sit with someone who is experiencing homelessness and have a conversation with them for a good amount of time to hear them and their story, I'm not sure you will get it. I know that for some, you just don't know where to start and you might even have a fear of talking to someone who is homeless. If that's you, send me a note over on my Facebook Page - Jessica On The Radio - or an e-mail to jessica.williams@townsquaremedia.com and I can help connect you with some amazing people.
The day I met a teenage mom in Rochester, Minnesota who was living in a culvert.
Years ago, I had that opportunity and will forever treasure the teens that I met in Rochester who were already moms or were pregnant. Teenage pregnancy can happen in any and all demographics in this town. Some are just quieter about it. But, there was one teen that I met who I'll never forget. This girl had no home, was pregnant, and was living in a culvert. Many of the girls were living in a home somewhere but that wasn't the case for all. I know of another girl that lived in a tent behind Walmart North.
Over 10,000 people in the Twin Cities are experiencing homelessness
How can I NOT help? I might be scared of heights but as I am reading all of the stats about homelessness in our state, I can't sit by and do nothing. I don't have the cash to change the world but I can lead by example and suck it up to go over a wall and ask you to spare some of yours so we can help change the world together. Why is all this important? These numbers might show you a bit more of the bigger picture of homelessness:
- Currently, there are 62,000 households* in the Twin Cities behind in their rent, 80% of them from low-income households. (downforthechallenge.com)
- There are over 10,000 individuals who are experiencing homelessness in the Twin Cities alone. (downforthechallenge.com)
- $1,000 provides 4,200 meals to help families in need stretch their budgets and remain in their home. (downforthechallenge.com)
- 580+ unique individuals made a total of over 11,000 visits to the day center (The Landing in Rochester) in the past 6 months. (www.thelandingmn.org)
Show me the money and let's talk about having me go over the wall at the MOA.
Still freaking me out to type that but...I'm in if you are in.

Did you see this amazingly awkward house in the Twin Cities that is full of dead animals?
It's a real house, had a few hundred dead animals inside and was on the market for over a million dollars. If you haven't had a chance to view the photos, keep reading because there is a full-sized giraffe in the living room of this house.
Shocking Million-Dollar House in Minnesota is Full of Exotic Dead Animals
11 amazing ideas for what should go in the old Chuck E. Cheese store in Rochester
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