Keep Your Animals Warm with Brutal Cold Weekend Coming
It is always important to keep you dogs and other animals warm, especially in times like today when the windchill is below -20 degrees.
For those who need a reminder, here is the 2016 Minnesota Statutes on Dog Houses.
From the statue, If you have a dog that is kept outside, or in an unheated enclosure, you shall provide the dog with shelter and bedding, like straw or hay. The shelter shall include moistureproof and windproof structure of suitable size to accommodate the dog and allow retention of body heat. It has to be durable material, and between November 1 and March 31 the structure must have a windbreak at the entrance.
If you have a farm do, you may provided them access to the barn or a large amount of hay or straw to keep them warm and protect them against cold and dampness.
Paws and Claws of Rochester have already said that they have brought in several stray dogs that have had frost-bite. It is extremely painful for the animals, so do the best to help them out!