Intruder Awakens Sleeping Rochester Woman
Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News) - A Rochester woman was sleeping on her couch early Saturday when a strange man suddenly broke in through the front door.
Police say the woman confronted the man but he continued walking into the home and she called 911. The woman says the man was in the house for several minutes before he went upstairs. He was apparently scared off when the woman called police.
A spokesman says the man removed an air conditioning unit from an upper floor window, jumped onto the porch roof and fled.
The 62-year-old woman told police nothing appeared to be missing. The woman’s 33-year-old daughter apparently slept through the incident, which happened around 1:30 AM. The home is located in the 1000 block of 6th Ave NW.
RPD Sgt. Dan Monnet says “it’s possible this could have been an intoxicated person who entered the wrong house or someone who had been there before because he appeared to know the layout of the residence.”
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