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Minnesota is a great place to be in the fall! Plenty of state parks to soak up the amazing colors, the weather is perfect, and lots of fall festivities to take part in (well, when COVID isn't a thing). But somehow Minnesota didn't make it on this list of the top 5 states to visit in the fall. Actaully, we didn't even make the top 10! How?!

LawnStarter released their list of 2020's Best and Worst States to Visit This Fall. They excluded Washington, Oregon, and California from this year's list because of the wildfires so they compared 47 states to come up with this ranking.

They looked at five different categories to determine their rankings. The categories are:

Parks and Forests
Yard Size
Natural Hazards (like hurricanes)

I thought maybe the categories would shed some light on why Minnesota ranked so low but no, it makes me more confused! Yes, there are plenty of states that also deserve to be on the top of the list based on these categories but Minnesota deserves to be up there too.

Are you ready to hear where Minnesota ranked on this list? Minnesota was ranked as the 16th best state to visit in the fall. Seriously? We ranked below Texas! I'm sorry, but I don't think of fall and Texas together. Plus if one of their categories was the risk for natural hazards wouldn't that put Texas lower on the list?

Anyway! Let's check out the 15 best states to visit this fall according to LawnStarter:

15. Texas
14. Virginia
13. Vermont
12. Massachusetts
11. Hawaii
10. Maine
9. Missouri
8. Illinois
7. Wisconsin
6. Ohio
5. Colorado
4. Pennsylvania
3. Michigan
2. Alaska
1. New York

KEEP READING: Photographic Evidence that Fall is the Best Time of Year in Minnesota

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