Highway 52 Detour Between Marion and Chatfield Lifted
The Highway 52 detour between Marion and Chatfield was lifted today, May 13th, but a new one is set to begin on June 3rd.
Crews finished the first stage of culvert replacement today, but motorists can still expect delays on Highway 52 as crews continue with paving work along the highway to Marion, according to a release from MnDOT.
With the first stage complete, motorists can again drive on Highway 52 from Chatfield to Marion near I-90. Paving work will be occurring so there will be flaggers stopping traffic for short periods to allow traffic in both directions to be able to take turns in the open lane that is not being paved at the time.
A new detour is set to being in three weeks, starting on June 3rd until August 6th to replace three box culverts between Olmsted County Road 16 and Olmsted County Road 7. North traffic will be detoured from Highway 52 Traffic will be detoured from Hwy 52 to Olmsted Co. Rd 7 to I-90.
The rest of the paving work will be done under traffic, and work in the Chatfield city limits does not require a traffic detour. In Chatfield, crews will make sidewalk and pedestrian ramp accessibility improvements and replace traffic signals. Construction work downtown should be completed in late July before Chatfield’s Western Days community celebration.
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