Minneapolis, MN (KROC AM News) - Minneapolis police are investigating the death of a college student who fell from a 10th floor apartment early Thursday.

The victim was identified as 19-year-old Joia Simpson of California who was a freshman at the University of St. Thomas. Reports indicate she was attending a Halloween party at The Bridges Apartment complex near the University of Minnesota campus.

St Thomas put this message on its website:

Tragedy has struck our St. Thomas community, again.
We are mourning the loss of first-year student Joia Simpson, who fell from the 10th floor of The Bridges apartments in Dinkytown early Thursday morning, Nov. 1.
Joia was a native of Bayside, California, and was interested in studying business. Her family most wants people to remember her beautiful smile.
This has been a difficult few weeks for our campus community. Counseling and Psychological Services and the Center for Campus Ministry are available for students, faculty, and staff who desire additional grief support.

Another student at St. Thomas was found dead in her dorm room two weeks ago. According to the obituary for 19-year-old Katherine Mullen, she “passed away of natural causes in her sleep.”




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