Bomb Threat Reported At Minnesota College
Mankato, MN (KROC AM News) - Is it an April Fool’s Day stunt?
A public safety alert was sent early Friday involving the Minnesota State University, Mankato campus.
The 5:00 am alert said two campus buildings had been closed due to a bomb threat.
Another message was sent at 7:45 am from Dr. Brian Martensen, Interim Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs:
As those buildings remain closed, in-person classes scheduled in those spaces will not be able to occur.
Instructors teaching in those buildings are encouraged to communicate with their students letting them know if their class today is canceled or moving to a remote option.
Additional communication on the overall situation will be communicated from the University as more information becomes available.
MSU Director of Media Relations Dan Benson says campus security is working with the Mankato Dept. of Public Safety to investigate the threat.
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