A Wonderful Hike in Southeast Minnesota!
Those who know me, know that my list of winter activities is not very long. Actually, it is very, very short. Maybe one or two things.
The weather was so nice this weekend, I decided to tag along with my brother and his fiancee for a little hike in Stewartville along with their dog. The weather was beautiful, as was the scenery.
We were at Lake Florence Park in Stewartville, walking along the banks of the Root River. Macey, their dog, absolutely loved walk and spent a lot of her time rolling around in the snow, along with exploring into the woods.
When we first got out of the car, it was very windy and I thought I should have dressed much warmer. Yet, after starting the walk, it was wonderful. My sweatshirt was just enough!
I took some pictures while doing some exploring, check them out!