Girl Scout cookie sales start on Saturday, February 11. You can bet I will be purchasing more than my fair share of cookies!

The question becomes, how good is the brand new cookie, S'MORES? Well, I was lucky enough to try a couple, and they are fantastic! I don't know how to describe them, but they are so, so good. (Can't you tell by my face?)

This is the 100th year that the Girls Scouts will be selling cookies, celebrating the YUM factor that each and every different variety brings.

This year, the Girl Scouts are offering nine different varieties of cookies including the Thin Mints, Caramel deLites, Peanut Butter Patties, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Shortbreads, Lemonades, Thanks-a-lots, Girl Scout S'mores and gluten-free Trios!

As the world's largest girl-owned business, the Cookie Program teaches girls many different skills including, goal setting, decision making and people skills!

On February 20th (President's Day) Girl Scouts will focus on collecting donations to give cookies to service men and women through their "Red, White, and You" day. I just think that is a fantastic idea, as it is always important to support our troops!

So the next time you see a Girl Scout, buy a couple boxes, or do what I do and buy all of their Thin Mints. Yes, they really are that good!

Are Girl Scout cookies one of your biggest weaknesses? They are one of mine!



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