Love your pets? Of course you do! So, vaccinate 'em. Today's the day to do that because it's the 59th Annual Rabies Vaccination Clinic Day! Here's where to get 'er done...

According to Olmsted County,

The annual rabies vaccination clinic for dogs, cats and ferrets sponsored by Olmsted County Veterinarians and Olmsted County Public Health Services, will be Wednesday, June 7. This year's rabies vaccination clinic will mark the 59th year that the event has been sponsored. Dogs, cats, and ferrets will be vaccinated for $20 each. Pet owners are encouraged to bring their animals within pet carrier devices or on a leash.

Where can you go? Here's the list. Click on the picture to get the full flyer.


And yeah, I's funny it's ME telling you about it since I already have Rabe....s.



Speaking of Rabe Shots...let's go back in time for a Classic Rabe Shot where Tofu Thieves Got in Soy Much Trouble! Click HERE or the picture. 

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