Wisconsin Husband Calls For Divorce After Wife Orders Salty Popcorn
I’ve heard couples getting into fights over some pretty dumb things, but this is definitely a new one.
According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, police were called to a movie theater in Brookfield, Wisconsin after a husband and wife started getting into a heated argument. The reason? Because the wife salted their bag of popcorn. Seriously!
The wife told officers that despite her husband asking her not to salt their popcorn, she did so anyway because she was the one who bought the bag. That is when the husband declared that their marriage was over, accusing her of being unfaithful and doing things behind his back. He sounds like a pretty chill dude.
The wife ended up calling the police after her husband refused to get into the car. She was worried about how he would get home, as she kept the keys because “he drives too fast when he’s angry.” Thankfully, the wife confirmed to officers that nothing physical had happened, and that her potentially soon-to-be ex-husband didn’t threaten her in any way. She was then told by the officers that since her husband is an adult, he could find his own way home.
No word on whether the husband is still salty or not.
Source: Journal Sentinel
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