Weekly Weather and Crop Update From SROC
The Weekly Weather and Crop Update from the Southern Research and Outreach Center at Waseca (SROC) showed this was the seventh week in a row drier than normal. Tom Hoverstad who is a Scientist at SROC keeps track of the data from their official weather station. I guess I did not need to see the official records to know it was dry again this week. Rainfall totaled only .05 inch and that was .85 inch below normal. At SROC they have not accumulated one inch of rain in April and May this spring.
Temperatures averaged 60.6 degrees and that was 1.8 degrees warmer than normal. Actually Tom said it was maybe a good thing that it was cooler after planting and only slightly warmer than normal this week. That put less stress on the corn and bean seedlings as they were germinating when it was so dry. We may see uneven stands especially in soybean fields until we receive a good soaking rain.
The dry weather is also raising questions about how well our soil applied herbicides will perform this year. Hopefully the forecast holds and we pick up some nice rain in the next couple days?