WATCH: This Massive Lightning Bolt Strikes A Golf Course!
I'm reminded of the scene in Caddyshack where the Bishop misses a putt on what would be his 18th hole and screams "RAT FARTS!" at the sky above and then gets lit up by a bolt of lightning. That is what this massive bolt of lightning at the U.S. Women's Open looks like the 18th hole.
Yesterday afternoon after the horn blew due to lightning in the area at the U.S. Women's Open in Charleston Fox Sports 1 cameras caught this awesome lightning strike hitting a tree near the 18th green. The jolt literally split the tree in half!
Some fun facts you might not know about lightning from NOAA.
- Air in a lightning strike can be heated up to 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The rapid heating of the air is what produces the shockwave that results in thunder.
- Lightning often strikes outside of heavy rain and may occur as far as 10 miles away from any rainfall.
- Most lightning incidents occur when people are caught outdoors in the summer months during the afternoon and evening (between 2:00-6:00 p.m.).
- A ground strike can produce somewhere between 100 million to one billion volts of electricity.
- The length of a cloud-to-ground lightning strike can range from two miles to 10.
So do us all a favor and don't be the Bishop in Caddyshack this summer, put the clubs away in inclement weather now that we are moving into the warmer months of the year, we'd hate for you to be injured or worse out on the golf course.
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