U of M Extension 2021 Farm Resource Guide
The 2021 Farm Resource Guide includes a lot of very useful farm business management information that is published by the University of Minnesota Extension Service. The guide is available for $25 plus postage and sales tax. You could check with your local U of M Extension office or email: bauxx003@umn.edu or call 507-372-3900 extension 39900. You could even get a hard copy for $31.
Some of the information included in the Farm Resource Guide include, custom rates, what to charge or what to pay, lease forms for cash and share rent arrangements, farmland sales information for all counties in Minnesota, marketing information along with cost trends in Minnesota with charts, custom information on pasture rental rates and timber value, commodity price probabilities, corn and soybean yields by county, feedlot rule highlights and manure spreading lease examples.
It appears this is an annual publication with some very useful information. It is nice that those in Extension were able to put all this information in one resource guide.
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