Two Vehicles Break Through The Ice In Minnesota
Two trucks broke through the ice on Saturday, roughly at the same time.
According to Bring Me The News two trucks broke through the ice on Big Kandiyohi Lake in Kandiyohi County. The story notes that when the Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Office was on the way to the first crash, they received the call about the second crash.
The first vehicle that broke through was a 2008 GMC Serria and the second was a 2007 Chevy Silverado. All the occupants in both vehicles were able to escape to safety. The occupants of the Serria were found by rescuers on the ice, while the occupants of the Silverado were able to escape to a nearby fish house and wait safely and call the authorities.
Both vehicles will have to be pulled out of the lake at a later date.
This isn't the first time this has happened this year, either. Three vehicles broke through Madison Lake in Blue Earth County in January.