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Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - Some residents of a Rochester neighborhood are asking the city for help in dealing with speeding motorists.

And the city is considering what are known as “traffic calming solutions” to address their concerns.

The city Public Works Dept. has been looking at the problems in the Country Club Manor neighborhood and is now planning a public meeting on the issue.

It will be held Tuesday from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at People Of Hope Church (3703 Country Club Road SW. This is an open house event with no set presentation time. The department says “No traffic calming solutions will be presented. Rather, city teammates will use the insights and perspectives of neighbors to fully understand the traffic concerns and to help inform potential traffic calming solutions. Additional neighborhood meetings will be scheduled once potential solutions are identified.”

The department is considering what it calls a Neighborhood Traffic Management Program for the neighborhood. A 2017 traffic study confirmed many vehicles exceed the speed limit in the proximity of two neighborhood parks and Harriet Bishop elementary school.

Rochester traffic study/Rochester Public Works
Rochester traffic study/Rochester Public Works

The department says “traffic calming will improve the safety of all road users, and create more pleasant neighborhoods for the residents of Rochester.”


Primary areas being considered for possible traffic calming measures are Manor Park Dr., 3rd St, and 36th Ave. The department says “other streets in the neighborhood may be considered.”

36 Ave NW Rochester/Google
36 Ave NW Rochester/Google

The project website is available at: https://tinyurl.com/CofR-NTMP

The city recently approved a traffic calming program for a neighborhood in the East River Rd area.


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