Tires Made From Soybeans Donated to Rice County Sheriff’s Dept.
This summer the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council launched their Driving Soy Campaign. Each of Minnesota's 44 organized soybean counties could donate a set of Goodyear's soy-based Eagle Enforcer All Weather tires to their sheriff's departments. The Dakota Rice Corn and Soybean Growers donated a set of the soybean tires to the Rice County Sheriff's department.
A special program was held at the Estrem Farm this morning. In the picture is Derik Estrem who is a deputy for the Rice County Sheriff's Department. Estrem raises corn and soybeans with brother Michel, uncle David and his cousins. The soy-based Goodyear tires were designed specifically for first responder vehicles in all season climates. The tires are softer providing better traction especially when is really cold during a Minnesota winter. It is almost like they are winter specific tires that you do not have to take off in the spring when it warms up.
I thought it would be a good idea, being I am in the media that I should be able to test drive Derik's Rice County Sheriff's Department Dodge Challenger with the Goodyear soy-based tires. Deputy Sheriff Estrem did not thing that was a good idea? I suspect Rice County Sheriff Troy Dunn would not think that was a good idea either?
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