Congrats to all of the graduating seniors across the state of Minnesota that have finished school and have or soon will receive their diplomas. Most families will hold a get-together with friends and family to celebrate this milestone. We discussed graduation parties this morning on the radio and how they are all pretty much the same.

When you arrive, you’re greeted by the graduate and his parents at the end of the driveway, then you head into the garage to look at a ton of pictures, you place your gift on the table, grab some food, and sit around awkwardly because you don’t really know anyone else at the party. Everyone we spoke to this morning said the key to making it a memorable event is the food you serve. No pressure parents.

The Most Popular Foods Served at Minnesota Graduation Parties

My co-host Carly still remembers a grad party that one of her friends threw back in the day. There wasn’t anything special about the party other than the food that was served. She said Raising Canes catered the event and everyone thought it was so awesome.

Google Street View
Google Street View

Tonya chatted with us on our app and said her party was in the morning and featured a breakfast buffet with egg bake, bacon, biscuits and gravy, and a huge spread of pastries. She said there was a mimosa bar for the adults.

Tara from Clarks Grove told us that her husband had the Godfathers Pizza Food Truck at his party.

What was served at your grad party? Open our app and chat with us and keep reading to see the most popular foods served at Minnesota graduation parties.

The Most Popular Food Served at Minnesota Graduation Parties

Below you'll see the five foods that you'll most likely be eating when you attend a graduation party in Minnesota.

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