It is severe weather awareness week this week in Minnesota

What can be said about Minnesota weather other then, it is kind of CRAZY!!!

Yes, I had to emphasize the crazy there because lets face it, we all live where we accept -25 degrees as normal.  But this week,  is all about those summer storms.  What is each day for it, well look no further because here they are

Monday-Alerts and Warnings

Tuesday is Severe Weather, Lightning and Hail

Wednesday is Floods

Thursday-Tornadoes--Remember with this one there will be 2 tornado drills in the day. The Sirens will go off once at 1:45PM and another at 6:55PM

Friday is Extreme Heat which i would assume includes the Humidity we have in MN

Stay tuned to KFIL to hear PSA's from local law enforcement to make sure you, your family and your belongings stay safe.

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