You see the Clean and Safe Ambassadors all over the 44 blocks of Downtown Rochester. "Are they really doing anything?" you ask? The answer is yes, and the numbers below prove it.

Jessica Williams
Jessica Williams

What Is the Clean and Safe Ambassador Program?

According to the RDA,

The Rochester Downtown Alliance (RDA) implemented a Clean and Safe Ambassador Program in downtown Rochester on July 1, 2020. Overall, the program provides cleaning, safety, and hospitality services to the 44-block special service district (SSD). Clean and Safe Ambassador Programs are a common tool used by downtowns to enhance the districts they serve.

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Biggest Lesson from The Numbers - Cigarette Smokers Suck!

pawel-czerwinski-on I-unsplash
pawel-czerwinski-on I-unsplash

Before we get to the rundown, some highlights. Or lowlights, depending on how you look at it.

  • 96,510 cigarette butts were picked up? Smokers, what the Flamin' Hooty-Hoo is going on here? Your spit-filled tobacco butts are just gross. Knockitoff. If you don't leave your butts for us then obviously this isn't meant for you. So give those gross-ohs the stink eye for us, ok? 
  • 1,111 instances of removing graffiti, which is a 54 percent increase from 2020. I have yet to see any graffiti that speaks to me, so either come up with better stuff or build your own wall to tag. Or just Knockitoff (KIO)!
  • 441 biohazards cleaned up, which is up 57 percent increase from 2020. According to the Googles, common biohazards are human blood, animal waste, HUMAN waste, and human bodily fluids. ((shudder)) Dear peeing/pooping in public people, why are you making someone else clean up after your poops? KIO!

Rochester's Downtown Clean and Safe Clean Up Program - By The Numbers

Areas to improve on? Litter from our mouths and other body parts. Gross!

And a video of the Ambassadors 2020 Recaph

As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know:


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A Sad List

A lot of businesses open and close each year, but during the pandemic, each one seems so much more unfortunate.

List of Rochester Businesses That Closed in 2021

2021 was another year that was full of challenges for businesses throughout the country, including Rochester, Minnesota. Unfortunately, our community saw many businesses that said "good-bye" and closed for good.


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