Rex the Wisconsin Alligator Found – Returned to Harley Dealership

I swear the headline is accurate, but you'll have to read the whole story, OK? 😀 About thirty minutes northwest of Green Bay, Wisconsin (GO PACK GO!) is Doc's Zoo. And on Monday, they announced Rex, the alligator, was missing!
I'll bet those are three words you've never seen in the same paragraph: Wisconsin, alligator, and missing. Yet, here we are, talking about an alligator that went missing in Wisconsin.
Anyway, on Monday, this is what Doc's Zoo posted on Facebook,
We are heartbroken that on Saturday May 22nd, one of our alligators went missing from his enclosure."
Terrifying, right? Rex could wander down to Green Bay and feast on the pets and people of the city! No...actually, that's not a concern. Maybe nibble a bit on a snake, but no big bites...
"It is important to know that Rex, the missing gator, is very old & has severe arthritis in his jaws making it very difficult to open his mouth more than an inch. He’s typically very docile & is not a danger to the public."
An alligator with jaw arthritis? If you're like me, your heart went from EEEK to Awwww in a split second. The poor gator, he's old, he's not doing so great, we gotta get Grampa Rex home and cared for!
Well, that's been done. Rex has been found and is back with his friends, Smiley, Fluffy, and Dora. Yes, those are all alligator names.
The Zoo That Isn't A Zoo
I've never much liked zoos, but this is different. I am DEF going to visit this place. Doc has the Harley-Davidson in Bonduel, Wisconsin, and it's a place filled with...well...everything.
And the zoo? it's basically a rescue/refuge for animals.
We have a diverse family of animals that happily live here on our 28 acre property. We encourage you to stop by & visit anytime during our regular dealership hours, although you may even catch a glimpse of a few of our animals after closing time. There is no charge to visit the zoo...Many of our animals were surrendered to us by people that could no longer take care of them. (Read more about Doc's Zoo here.)
Who Else Lives At Doc's Zoo?
- Dot and Spot the Leopard Geckos
- Fred & Wilma the Alpacas
- Pepsi and Pepsette the Emus
- Ralphie the African crested porcupine.
- Ruby the Red Kangaroo
- Tator-Tot, the Lop-Eared Rabbit
- Thelma & Louise the Mini Donkeys
- Zephra our dromedary/bactrian camel and many more. See the whole list of Doc's Zoo Friends here.
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM's Early Morning Show.