Fantastic: Queen Elizabeth Was 70 Year Pen Pal W/North Dakotan
Queen Elizabeth II had a North Dakota Pen Pal
According to a story on Insider.com, the Queen pen-palled it up with Park River, North Dakota's 96-year-old Adele Hankey for 70 years. Park River is about two hours north of Fargo, ND.
How Did Adele Hankey Get to be Pen Pals with The Queen?
The pen pal situation got started because...Adele wrote to Elizabeth. They were both born on April 21, 1926, and when Betsy was crowned Queen, Adele sent birthday greetings. Then, every year on their birthdays, notes went back and forth.
Was Hankey surprised she received a reply to her first letter? On kfyrtv.com she said, "I could have jumped out of my shoes...I asked her for a hat. I was hoping she would send me one. But she sent a lovely picture on her birthday."
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If Royal fanciness is nice to look at, but you wouldn't want to live there (so much dusting!), how about a home from American Royalty?
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