Preston’s Groundhog Day Snowstorm
I write everything on my calendar at work. Looking back at February 2, 2016, my entry read "Shari, Devon and Bruce worked from home. Left work at 12:30. SNOW"! Then my Facebook memory for today popped up a picture of my squirrel covered in snow. Now I remember that day! Bryan Dawson and I were the only two KFIL employees at work that morning. Sitting at my desk around noon, I saw the city snow plow trying to round the corner by Fit Express. It struggled, pushing about five inches of wet, heavy snow in its path. That was all I needed to see to decide it was time to head home and pull into my garage before my driveway got plowed in. I just made it too, just minutes before the plow went by.
Looking out my back door, my little squirrel friend knew it was lunch time. Opening the door, there he was, covered in snow begging for his peanut lunch and perhaps asking "please, lady, let me in!" I posted the photo and it sparked a fun conversation about my friend Cristal knitting him a sweater. What do you remember about the storm a year ago today? If you have any photos to share, we'd love to see them. Thankfully, the sun is shining today - no snow to deal with. Happy Groundhog Day, friends.