Olmsted County Board Approves 2020 Tax Levy and Salaries
Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - The Olmsted County Board Tuesday approved its 2020 budget and board member salaries.
The budget includes a property tax levy of just over $106-million. That’s a 4.2-percent increase over the 2019 levy. In a separate vote, the board approved a property tax levy of $3.5-million to help pay for its Housing and Redevelopment Authority program. That’s a million-dollar increase over the 2019 figure.
The commissioners set their 2020 salaries at $49,000, a $5,000 increase from this year. They also increased their monthly stipend amount from $400 to $500.
Also given raises were County Attorney Mark Ostrem and Sheriff Kevin Torgerson. Ostrem will be paid $184,000 next year, an increase of $8,000. Torgerson’s salary will rise from $142,000 to $149,000.

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