Houston Student Wins Youth Tour from MiEnergy Cooperative
MiEnergy Cooperative Announced today that a local student, Noah Carlson, of Houston High School, won an educational-filled week in Washington D.C. as MiEngery Cooperative's Youth Tour Contest winner, according to their press release.
According to the same release, this was the 53rd anniversary of electric cooperatives sending students to Washington. I think that would be a pretty awesome experience, as the students get to check out the state and federal governments and how they work.
I am a pretty big history buff. I know a lot of useless facts (I don't think they are useless, but my friends and family do) and I would love to get an in depth look at how the legislation works. I also would love to check out the monuments and the museums.
A pretty awesome experience is headed Carlson's way! Other finalist from Minnesota include: Alex Love of Preston, Lillian Carlson of Houston, Jon Husman of Winona, Renee Lechner and McKayla Schwarz, both of Spring Valley and Claire Pieper of Lanesboro
These finalist took an online exam, as well as completed an interview to win the contest. The contest is open to high school sophomores and juniors whose parents or guardians are members of MiEnergy.