Heinz Wants You to Have Monday Off
The Monday after the big game is a tough one for everyone that goes in to work on Monday. Nobody likes it, but Heinz started a petition to make the Monday after the big game a National Holiday!
Can you believe that?
According to USA Today, the company is giving all of its employees the day off on Monday, and it wants every person to have the day off. They call it "Smunday".
The petition has 64,061 supporters as of Sunday night, while the goal is 75,000. The company said the petition would be sent to the U.S House of Representatives and the U.S Senate.
As you probably noticed, Heinz also did not have a TV spot, rather they produced a spot about their petition, and ran it online:
So, they were not even real supporters of the actual game. Although the tone of the video is very silly, the owners of Heinz insist their effort is serious.
How would you like to have the day off the day after the big game?